Tags: Fakings Pandora Vicius Latina Spanish Hardcore Boobs 2022

Pandora Vicius - SUPERBUSTY v. KryptoCocks !!! Kinky BIG TITTED GODDESS begs for a cock that can live up to her [HD 720P]

Pandora Vicius - SUPERBUSTY v. KryptoCocks !!! Kinky BIG TITTED GODDESS begs for a cock that can live up to her [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Pandora Vicius, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Boobs

Video Description: We had to find a girl that could match our Dick of Steel man. That paticular girl is Pandora Vicius and you can find her former incursions in porn here. Pandora comes with a single idea in her mind. She wants a debut on FAKings! And dudes, this Andalusian lady has the perfect tools to achieve it: No less than TWO HUGE NATURAL BOOBS we've been dreaming about since the first time we saw them. Pandora comes with A+ GRADE BOOBS and a Superwoman Tshirt, stating clearly her position. Because she wants a dick that can match her fat boobs. That can only be our porn Superman! And even if she starts the scene a bit shy, she looses herself bit by bit, and making a show of that front package, as she gets warmer and hornier by our masturbation: Behold, you'll feel like it's you in person who's fingering her! And now's the time when we ask pandora, if she really feels it, to shout for Mr Bobelo. And truly no superhero could resist Pandora's call. Mr Bobelo comes inmediately to enjoy that banging, and now there's no room for any more introductions, only a SUPERHERO SEX, the size only we can find!
Views: 298
Tags: Fakings Sweet Lolly Latina Spanish Hardcore Milf Blonde 2022

Sweet Lolly - The MILF Lolly is looking for her daddy... while having fun with almost inexperienced rookies. "I eat them whole...two for me?" [HD 720P]

Sweet Lolly - The MILF Lolly is looking for her daddy... while having fun with almost inexperienced rookies. "I eat them whole...two for me?" [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Sweet Lolly, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Milf, Blonde

Video Description: What would become of all those mature women, with vital experience who desperately need inexperienced young men and fuck them like BITCHES, if there was no MATURE CLUB? Today we bring a recently divorced SUPER MILF, who doesn't even want to hear about her husband (or ex-husband) and who wants to take boys to the bed, so she can feel like the she-wolf she hasn't been able to feel all this time. Sweet Lolly already debuted at a FAKings Casting, it seemed like she didn't fit the profile, but what ended up fitting her was a good COCK... And here she is again today! We had two rookies ready for her to turn over a new leaf with two very hard young cocks... But friends, direct stuff, one of them received an unexpected call and had to leave, Bad news for Lolly but very good news for the other rookie ! "What I know is that it's all for me" says the kid. THAT'S THE ATTITUDE! This is how we live at FAKings, always seeing solutions instead of problems. Well, I leave you with this delightful scene at full volume so that the moans of this Milf keep you WELL STUCK on the screen.
Views: 504
Tags: Fakings Barbara Grey Latina Spanish Hardcore Milf Anal Boobs 2022

Barbara Grey - I LOVE IT IN THE ASS. Do you want to see my jewel? JIJIJI... We dress Barbara from DOMINATRIX and she will change the ANAL plug for a BIG COCK :) [HD 720P]

Barbara Grey - I LOVE IT IN THE ASS. Do you want to see my jewel? JIJIJI... We dress Barbara from DOMINATRIX and she will change the ANAL plug for a BIG COCK :) [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Barbara Grey, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Milf, Anal, Boobs

Video Description: Hello again FAKings!!!! You already know that we are the porn of the PEOPLE, and today we bring us something that we know you totally love. One of the greatest sections that you always talk to us about are the dearest MILFS, super mommies who show us their wisdom and light our path on the path of lust... BUT this doesn't end here, because something we know you love too is ANAL, right, folks? Few things give us more pleasure than seeing a tight ass being drilled, and seeing how the girl likes it more and more until she forgets everything and begins to moan until she cums like a BITCH. And what do you say if we put together MILFS and ANAL? That's when THE ALPHA and OMEGA of Hispanic preferences come together. And that is what we bring you today, companions. Barbara Grey, a super super HORNY, full of lust, who comes prepared with a diamond anal plug inserted so that Jason's big cock can enter her IN ONE! Obviously, as soon as our actor appears, Barbara (to whom we have given her a TOTAL DOMINATRIX outfit) jumps on his BIG DICK without thinking about it... Anyway, without a doubt, one of the great wonders of nature, A MILF DOING ANAL. I don't entertain you more than sure you have things to do (...) ENJOY IT!
Views: 546
Tags: Fakings Perla Brites Latina Spanish Hardcore Milf Boobs Big ass 2022

Perla Brites - My 5th floor neighbour, just DIVORCED, harasses me... And I leave her do. Sex-starved mommy finally gets her twink [HD 720P]

Perla Brites - My 5th floor neighbour, just DIVORCED, harasses me... And I leave her do. Sex-starved mommy finally gets her twink [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Perla Brites, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Milf, Boobs, Big ass

Video Description: Once again we stumble upon one of those mails only we can receive, used as we are to save people from sexual trouble all over the country... And the boy who wrote us is in dire need of our help. See, this young man has been receiving unsolicited dirty messages from the less expected of sources, his neighbour from the 5th floor! That one he knows since he was a kid an he's been meeting at the stairs for all his life. Since she divorced, this mom is unleashed, totally desperate, READY FOR ANYTHING that leads to banging him. And there's our cue! Because the boy called us knowing Perla, this is the name of this 37yo mature lady, will do whatever is needed to fuck this young hunk, even shooting porn! So we go to the park to meet her and we find the prototypical woman next door, a cute mature who freaks out when she sees the cameras. No worries! She quickly regains herself and agrees to come with us to film with her himbo and fulfill her fantasy. And the himbo himself... Can't believe his luck! Because come on, if you had the opportunity of nailing that mature mom you know from meeting her at the door everyday... Would you miss the opportunity? We think otherwise ;-)
Views: 596
Tags: Fakings Mei Latina Spanish Hardcore Young Big ass 2022

Mei - Exhibitionist cosplaying TEEN plays the SugarBaby... "Can you bring me a SugarDaddy??? ˆ200 are to blame ;-) NEW!!! 23-07-2022 [HD 720P]

Mei - Exhibitionist cosplaying TEEN plays the SugarBaby... "Can you bring me a SugarDaddy??? ˆ200 are to blame ;-) NEW!!! 23-07-2022 [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Mei, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Young, Big ass

Video Description: Nowadays, Don Jorge is a beloved institution in this blessed house. We're proud to watch our flagship mature man breaking all expectations (and pussies) of every teen crossing his path. Today's one is our beloved Mei, who clearly showed her extreme tendencies in our last public fuck scene (she even invited a peeping tom). Mei comes for a surprise, not knowing what's in reserve for her. But watch out, she comes with a surprise of her own, no less than a ANAL PLUG for us to enjoy. After a perfunctory masturbation to warm up, comes the surprise, and Don Jorge comes in. Her nervous laugh tells the whole tale! She asks us apart to say what we suspected, she has second thoughts! After using our best arguments (This sir is younger than Brad Pitt) we throw some cash at the problem and she's back in. ˆ200 are enough to convince this young lady. But if something ends her hesitations is the GIANT PRICK Don Jorge packs. When this young girl sees it she barely can believe it! When she gets over the shock and gets to work, she enjoys a good wood from a man old enough to be her grandfather. We can confirm, this girl was never in a pickle like this one!
Views: 413
Tags: Fakings Korin Latina Spanish Hardcore Milf Boobs Big ass 2022

Korin - La fiera latina y el aspirante a empotrador: ?FIRST FAKINGS! Vuelven las Citas a Ciegas y la busqueda del amor... O lo que surja ;-) [HD 720P]

Korin - La fiera latina y el aspirante a empotrador: ?FIRST FAKINGS! Vuelven las Citas a Ciegas y la busqueda del amor... O lo que surja ;-) [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Korin, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Milf, Boobs, Big ass

Video Description: ?No podiamos tener mejor presentacion, ahora que llega al fin el buen tiempo! Habeis leido bien, amigos, no podemos estar mas contentos, ?FIRST FAKINGS ESTA DE VUELTA! De nuevo llega el reality cachondo y sus citas a ciegas en mitad del campo en el que amor a lo mejor no te lo aseguramos, ?Pero el POLVAZO SI! Y eso es lo que van a disfrutar nuestros fichajes de hoy: A un lado nos encontramos a Korin, la mejor definicion de LATINA VOLUPTUOSA que hemos visto en mucho tiempo. Dos tetazas redondas y perfectas, un CULAZO INMENSO con el que todavia sonamos... Korin ha llegado definiendose como dominante, pero capaz de cambiar de puesto si encuentra a un buen fucker que la sepa llevar. ?Sera el apropiado Alex? El es un yogurin latino que se define como amante de las experiencias nuevas, y una experienca nueva es la que va a disfrutar: Ya sabeis, 2 DESCONOCIDOS DESNUDOS, uno frente al otro: Entre ellos, solo el morbo que sienten y las ganas de follarse desde el primer momento. ?Esto es First FAKings!
Views: 446
Tags: Fakings Lily Morena Latina Spanish Hardcore Boobs Big ass 2022

Lily Morena - Viejo y usado, pero en perfecto estado: OFERTA, 250ˆ, a 10ˆ el centimetro oiga!!! FAKings, el Cash&Converter del porno [HD 720P]

Lily Morena - Viejo y usado, pero en perfecto estado: OFERTA, 250ˆ, a 10ˆ el centimetro oiga!!! FAKings, el Cash&Converter del porno [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Lily Morena, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Boobs, Big ass

Video Description: En FAKings, creemos en las segundas oportunidades... ?Cuantos grandes polvos se hubiese perdido la humanidad, si se hubiesen dejado llevar por la primera impresion...? Tal es el caso de nuestra jovencita Lily Morena y nuestro maduro Don Jorge, quienes ya se conocieron en una de nuestras CITAS A CIEGAS. Lily estaba buscando otra cosa, es joven, inexperta, se dejo llevar por las primeras impresiones... Y lo mas importante; NO LE VIO LA POLLA QUE GASTA, por lo que termino por rechazar a nuestro querido Don Jorge por la edad... PERO la vida da segundas oportunidades y aqui estamos para hacer que esa FOLLADA tenga lugar!, a la jovencita Lily vestida de colegiala le van a botar esas preciosas tetas morenas al ritmo del POLLON de Don Jorge, Y es que en esta vida cuando tienes un buen rabo... muchas puertas se te abren (Si a eso le sumamos una pequena suma de dinero, que las juventudes vienen muy exigentes...) En cualquier caso, os traemos un encuentro de DOS generaciones unidas por el PURO VICIO. ?Ponganse comodos y a disfrutarlo!
Views: 552
Tags: Fakings Lara Cruz Latina Spanish Hardcore Milf Boobs BBC 2022

Lara Cruz - Teleoperadora harta del curro se pasa al porno por dinero. 16:15, en plena siesta: "Soy Lara, ?Quiere ahorrar en su factura de la luz?" [HD 720P]

Lara Cruz - Teleoperadora harta del curro se pasa al porno por dinero. 16:15, en plena siesta: "Soy Lara, ?Quiere ahorrar en su factura de la luz?" [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Lara Cruz, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Milf, Boobs, BBC

Video Description: Amigos, en esta epoca de cambios y pandemias, hay quien se ha encontrado de repente en lo mas bajo. Hoy tenemos a alguien que nos necesita, Y MUCHO. Hoy queremos presentaros a Lara: Lara era teleoperadora desde hace anos, y entes de la pandemia tenia una buena situacion, tanto que se metio en una hipoteca... En enero de 2020. ?Quien iba a saber lo que se avecinaba? Y asi el trabajo de Lara paso de DIFICIL a IMPOSIBLE: Jornadas maratonianas, contratos basura, obligada a pagar sus suministros cuando teletrabaja...Todo ello atendiendo a gente que en el mejor de los casos le va a colgar nada mas oirla, y en el peor de los casos le van a decir de todo. Y mientras, Lara se encuentra dependiendo de una hipoteca, divorciada y con 2 hijos... ?Quien no acabaria hasta los huevos? Por ello Lara ha decidido una manera muy particular de protestar contra su empresa, ?Y de paso llevarse un dinerillo! Cuando nos la encontramos, vemos a una madura ES-PEC-TA-CU-LAR, como hacia mucho tiempo que no veiamos, ?Y es que las hacen ir de punta en blanco aunque sean teleoperadoras! Lo agradecemos ;-P En persona Lara nos habla de sus circunstancias, de lo claro que tiene hacer porno como manera de mandar a su empresa a la mierda y empezar una nueva vida Asi que la llevamos a nuestros estudios para darnos la alegria de ver ese CUERPAZO DE MADURA, rematado por esas dos tetazas, y a ella darle la alegria al cuerpo de merendarse la polla de un yogurin mulato. Una vez mas FAKings ayuda a una mami necesitada de una nueva vida, como solo nosotros podemos hacerlo :-D
Views: 623
Tags: Fakings Carolina Lorca Barbara Grey Latina Spanish Hardcore Milf Boobs Young 2022

Carolina Lorca, Barbara Grey - END OF TERM. School is back with Carolina: How to be the biggest slut? [HD 720P]

Carolina Lorca, Barbara Grey - END OF TERM. School is back with Carolina: How to be the biggest slut? [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Carolina Lorca, Barbara Grey, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Milf, Boobs, Young

Video Description: Today we've got a MASTERCLASS, sharpen your pens and prepare your notebook, because an old school class is about to begin; one of those where mistakes are punished BUT success is rewarded. Who will be the lucky one to acquire the millenary knowledge, transmitted from generation to generation, "HOW TO BE THE SLUTTIEST IN BED"? Well, no less than our favourite teen Carolina Lorca. If you lost your virginity here, here is where you'll learn to FUCK PROPER. And who will be the warden of such knowledge and power? Well, there's plenty to choose from... But for sure a SURE choice is people's favourite, Barbara Grey; a milkf who came and conquered your hearts in the short time she's been with us. So the time of truth has come, Carolina will have to learn nicely, OR ELSE, secrets and techniques thet'll put her in the rightpath. Supporting this task is her classmate, smart and well endowed. If you fail once, you'll have a cockslap. Two and you'll get a dick on your face. Three and... A GOOD BLOWJOB... Tell me if there's a better learning method around. Among the infinite virtues of Barbara Grey as teacher and Carolina as a pupil is, the moment will come where Barbara will decide to teach the young lady in a MORE DIRECT manner. No more chaff, time to sit, chill and enjoy this class, which will get, no doubt, among Instant FAKings Classic.
Views: 408
Tags: Fakings Megan Fiore Latina Spanish Hardcore Boobs Big ass Anal 2022

Megan Fiore - "ANAL? 27 years old, I've banged like 30 dudes, are they too many? I fuck in the street and like with being caught... That's not a bad thing" By Megan :))) [HD 720P]

Megan Fiore - "ANAL? 27 years old, I've banged like 30 dudes, are they too many? I fuck in the street and like with being caught... That's not a bad thing" By Megan :))) [HD 720P]

Genre: Fakings, Megan Fiore, Latina, Spanish, Hardcore, Boobs, Big ass, Anal

Video Description: Oh, the joy of seeing our girls coming back to us! That means, of course, they're just as slutty as they claimed, and of course they enjoy the great fucking we provide them... Maybe you already know Italian fitness GODDESS Megan Fiore, who had no trouble at all in staging a lottery on her Loverfans profile, and fucked the lucky winner with a delightful hidden camera (what a blessing of a prize, friends...) Today she's back to, now indeed, being properly banged by a pro, in front of the cameras, BARE CHEST. You know you're in front of a SHE-WOLF when, impromptu, you propose her to be fucked IN HER ASS and SHE ACCEPTS That's all! That's how legends are written! So we?ve got this AWESOME SCENE where megan introduces herself, after a quick shower, and ends up being fucked in all her holes, in a thousand positions. Time to get comfy and enjoy this great Casting!
Views: 581